Drava Driver
Drava Driver
Drava Driver
Drava Driver
Drava Driver

Maribor Art Gallery

The proposal for the new UGM is based on the
construction of a three dimension folded strategie capable to adapt to the different urban conditions and the programme necessities.

Different scale strategies organizes the project,the creation of a new urban covered space, where urban and exihibition space mixes, bluring the limit between public and creative space. The building wishes to encourage the transformation and stimulate more quality use of areas of this key location in the city centre at the riverbank. becomming a continous programatic urban space.

The project appeares offering a new image for the city of Maribor, related whith the Dava river, where the different programmes, indoor and outdoor, and its uses overlap in time and place.

The building conects the public space as an extension of the green structure (riverside) and sofmobility network, attending too for good accesibility for cars and public transport.

The climatic changes throughout the year offer achanging use of outdoor surfaces providing good conditions for social life and cultural ex-periences for all demographics, programs also are organized in two levels and in the internal project voids.


Valdepeñas Gavira Arquitectos
Carol Ruiz-Valdepeñas Guerrero y Daren Gavira Persad


Ayuntamiento Maribor, Eslovenia


Espacio cultural


14.800 m2






Estudio Phantelier

